How QuitBet Works
Join the game
Bet on yourself.
All quitters split the pot!
We supply the testing device (free!).
Do daily breath tests
Split the Pot!
Contact Information
Need to delete your account or contact the team? Email or call 615-QUIT-BET.
What is QuitBet?
QuitBet is a game by WayBetter that motivates people to quit smoking using financial rewards and peer support.
How do I join the study and play?
To play QuitBet, you'll place a $30 bet on yourself to stop smoking for 4 weeks. If you win, you'll get that money back plus some extra.
Am I eligible?
You may participate if you are at least 21 years old, live in the United States, and smoke at least 5 cigarettes every day.
Sign me up!
If you'd like participate, please read the Consent Form and the QuitBet Rules. If you agree to them, download the app at one of the providers below: